Spellerberg Projects

Andrea Wallace, Electric Color Lab

Exhibition • December 7, 2018–April 13, 2019

Spellerberg Projects
103 S Main St, Lockhart TX

With this installation Andrea Wallace is exploring wigs as an art form. She’s created an aesthetic expression of color, using wigs.

“Wigs are something I’ve played with for a very long time,” she says, “but this is my first time really focusing on them as a medium unto themselves.”

They’re fun and colorful, enabling a playful state-of-mind.

“When you try on a wig, you don’t look like yourself,” she explains. “And as you get more and more comfortable with the wig, you feel this transformation happen.”

Visitors to the installation are greeted by a colorful wall of wigs accompanied by photographs of drag queens. The artist hopes that the display will draw people into a conversation, and that, if they’re compelled, they’ll even try on some of the different styles and have fun taking selfies.

“I wear wigs anytime I’ve done a self-portrait. I feel more comfortable not being just myself, plain. Having a wig on gives me a space to be more comfortable in front of the camera.”

She encourages people to come with their friends, ’cause having fun with wigs is a great chance to have a laugh; it’s a party!

Artist’s website