Spellerberg Projects

Elana Langer, We are all in this together

Exhibition • April 27–July 10, 2016

Exhibition of recent participatory performance-based installations

As I find my own inherent value, I learn to respect others as equal. Like me they are here with inherent purpose, like me they are here in it all.

As I find my own unique value, I learn to respect others as different. Like me they are all here of unique purpose, like me they are part of the mystery.

My work is designed to share these lessons and prompt them into daily exchange. There is no “right” way to approach my work, no “right” way to answer or respond.

The only right thing is the willingness to gain perspective on our assumptions, and to accept that our choices effect the world we live in.

I, matter. We, matter.
Like it, and not like it,
We are all in this together.