Spellerberg Projects

Emeri Warren Harris, Social death and the reclamation of the body

Exhibition • September 9–October 7, 2023

Gallery hours
Saturday, September 16, 11am-3pm
Saturday, September 23, 11am-3pm
Saturday, September 30, 11am-3pm
Friday, October 6, 6–9pm – Artist’s Reception
Saturday, October  7, 11am-3pm – Last Look

Artist’s Statement

The contemporary art world and life in general have led me to beautiful and interesting places. Most of my work up to this point has approached existentialism. For a while, I have moved toward analyzing the monstrous idea of racism and philosophical ideas within Black existentialism.

How I work with this is through the creation of surreal objects with an analytical approach. I use various mediums to tackle the subject matter of racism. Mainly its effects on the Black community and other people of color. This includes the intersections with other issues within Western society.

Through research and experiments, I will continue exploring ideas of dismantling racism. However, I want to examine the effects of social death and its effect on the Black community. I want to know what that means for BIPOC people treated this way in an already regressing nation. Most of all, how we fight or reclaim our bodies, Physically and existentially.

About the Artist

Emeri Warren Harris is a San Antonio-based interdisciplinary artist. They are 29 years old and work in various mediums: painting, soft sculpture, and performance.

Emeri started their artistic career in 2012 when they went to Mississippi Delta Community College. Then, they moved back to San Antonio to attend the University of Texas in San Antonio. Throughout the years, they have discovered their voice in their work and have improved their skills and sense of self.

Currently, Emeri is exploring ideas of Black Existence and tackling Racism against BIPOC. They have been in several exhibitions around San Antonio including theBlack Sheep Exhibition, Upstairs Studio, Blue Star Red Dot 2020 and 2021, and the CAM breakout series in 2022. Emeri was born and raised in San Antonio, TX. They attended the University of Texas in San Antonio and graduated in the fall of 2018.