Spellerberg Projects

Honoria Starbuck, Zen Chickens

Exhibition • January 20–March 31, 2018

Honoria Starbuck opens Zen Chickens at Masur Gallery.

The Austin, Texas-based artist is inspired by Zen calligraphers, mail art and her practice of tai chi to create a Zen Chicken each morning using ink, watercolor and collage. The exhibition includes six new small- and medium-format works on paper. Starbuck teaches design fundamentals, observational drawing, fashion drawing, anatomy and gesture drawing at the Art Institute of Austin. She serves on the advisory boards of SXSW EDU and SXSW Interactive and holds an interdisciplinary doctoral degree from University of Texas at Austin in communications, fine art and curriculum and instruction.

Spellerberg Projects, Masur Gallery
119 W San Antonio St, Lockhart TX
Open by appointment

Artist’s website