Spellerberg Projects

Jennifer Moore, Hommage au Garage

Exhibition • March 9–April 7, 2024

Gallery hours
Saturday, March 9, 11am-3pm
Saturday, March 16, 11am-3pm
Saturday, March 23, 11am-3pm
Saturday, March 30, 11am-3pm
Friday, April 5, 6–9pm – First Friday
Saturday, April 6, 11am-9pm
Sunday, April 7, 12-6pm

Artist’s Reception
Saturday, April 6, 6–9pm

Artist’s Statement

The domestic images I’m attracted to contain evidence of extreme care and energy put into an environment. Care of the domestic space has historically been designated as women’s work and the labor and aesthetics of decorating a home undervalued. I relate to the inherent attention to detail in the arrangement of a shadowbox tableaux or the pyramid of lace-trimmed pillows atop a made bed and wonder if they are a method to cache feelings, an expression of personal history, or a compulsion to comfort and protect. Care and consideration manifest as ruffles. What do the objects we fill our homes with have to do with survival? Why do obsolete tools become decor? Each absurd idiosyncratic, aesthetic decision becomes a presentation of self-value.

Though my sculptures are not explicitly household objects they reference textiles, furniture and frosted, edible surfaces, placing them in the domestic realm as possible tools, devices and nicknacks.

About the Artist

Jennifer Moore is an artist living and working in Lockhart, Texas. Before starting an art practice, she toured as a musician across North America, Europe and Australia, playing anywhere from traditional venues, community art spaces, generator shows underneath freeway overpasses, and museums like the Fort Worth Modern and Whitney Museum of American Art. During this extended time spent away from home she discovered the generosity and ingenuity of people trying to make art and music within a variety of ecosystems and was inspired by the DIY culture which influenced the development of venues, homes, handmade instruments, and playing styles. Her preferred materials are household objects, thrifted textiles, broken electronics and papier-mâché which she applies to her work centering around themes of body and home.

Jennifer has shown her work at ICOSA(Austin, TX), Spellerberg Projects(Lockhart, TX), Collection RERT(Austin, TX), and Wege Center for the Arts(Fairfield, IA). She received a BFA from Texas State University in 2018 and an MFA from Maharishi International University in 2024.