Spellerberg Projects

Onix Rodriguez, Performance

Event • Saturday, May 25, 2019

Spellerberg Projects, Masur Gallery
119 W San Antonio St, Lockhart TX
Curated by Hollie Brown

About Onix Rodriguez

Onix is a Latino artist and has received a BFA from Texas State University. His work ranges from paintings to video and installations, and performances. He has performed in ArtPace San Antonio, East Austin Studio Tour, and Enchanted Rock National Park. His latest exhibition show titled “Living Room” was a collaborative project in which a private home was turned into a contemporary art gallery, questioning expectations and norms of the modern home. He is currently working on a mural with the City of San Marcos along with a fellow artist. The mural will be completed in October of this year. Describing his recent work, he says:

“Intuition and action are driving forces in my work. When it comes to painting I use line work as visual language, depicting maps, pathways, borders or links between ideas or themes. The images are often related to my life experiences or memories. In this context, the intuition comes in the form of line quality, color and shape. Action is a bigger role in performance where I also tackle experiences and memories while interacting with the viewer. I am interested in how the viewer is or is not part of the work. Through performance I challenge the separation of viewer and art while at the same time commenting on topics such as colonialism, racism, community, and self-awareness.”

Onix on Instagram