Spellerberg Projects

Sam Foster

Sam Foster is originally from Lawrence KS, Sam Foster got his BFA from The Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) in 2012, Studying Painting and Experimental Film. Sam currently resides in Lockhart Tx and is getting his MFA along with his partner and co studio mate Jennifer Moore at Maharishi International University in Fairfield IA in the Low Residency program. Sam has been a part of Spellerberg Projects for the past several years and loves living so close to the studio.

“My painting process is one of construction where I incorporate material processes that are based on chance and the unknown. Dipping fabric into plaster to make hardened compositions as templates to paint on and through my process “clean up” or control. I’m interested in chaos vs control, especially within one’s own life. I also incorporate biographical imagery that has been abstracted by being processed through different photographic / printing techniques. Taken out of context, these images serve as a mysterious symbol to create a new meaning, one that I believe is more truthful or telling.”

