Spellerberg Projects

Ralph Fulton Jr, New Found Friends

Exhibition • February 7, 2020–July 24, 2021

Spellerberg Projects, Masur Gallery
119 W San Antonio St, Lockhart TX
Curated by Hollie Brown

Open by appointment, contact Ralph Fulton Jr.
EmailInstagram • 512-787-7934

Artist Statement:

“I’m attracted to woodworking and painting because both require unique problem solving. I really enjoy painting because it is free of the rules of physics that are required in woodworking. It allows me to be truly free with my style and not rigid. Humans, animals, inanimate objects, random shapes and the space between are used to make my paintings. I use bright colors depicting these objects in action and at rest, in predicaments that may not be so graceful or comfortable looking. I try to catch these moments, and allow the viewer to come away with their own version of what is going on or what is about to happen… this is what I find very amusing.

“I usually title my paintings and I encourage the viewer to come up with their own title or caption, as we all relate to these every day moments but with our own interpretation. Maybe it just creates an emotion, like or dislike.”

Artist’s Website