Spellerberg Projects

Hollie Brown and Sam Foster, Crud in Mud

Exhibition • December 18, 2020–May 31, 2021

Spellerberg Projects
103 S Main St, Lockhart TX

Outdoor opening, December 18 2020, 7pm
Meet artist Sam Foster and view the show from the sidewalk.
Please wear a mask.

Conversations between the paintings and sculpture of Hollie Brown and Sam Foster. Grecian statues next to the often underrepresented disabled bodies. A warped reflection pool on one side of the mountain. On the other side a human being breaks through a distorted image, climbing or clinging to the painted rock face. Evangelicals praising Satan. Under this idealized corporeal criteria, the subjects of these images are restrained in colorful cages or arranged in the textured space as presented by the artists.

Hollie Brown received her M.F.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from the University of California, Riverside. Her recent solo show was in the Masur Building of downtown Lockhart, a current flex space for Spellerberg Projects. The odd walls and restrictions caused Brown to approach the space with two site specific murals and one giant paper mache bone. Brown lives in Texas. Website

Sam Foster grew up in Lawrence, KS and graduated with a BFA from Milwaukee institute of Art and Design in painting and studio art (2012). Sam works and lives in Austin, TX, and creates paintings and video art inspired by his life experiences. His paintings incorporate garish oils and collaged elements.