Spellerberg Projects

Michael Villarreal, Not Much Else to Do

Exhibition • June 4–August 26, 2021

Spellerberg Projects, Main Street
103 S Main St, Lockhart TX

Open by appointment, contact Michael Villarreal

Not much else to do but watch the grass grow, organize chopped wood, or burn the weekly garbage. Villarreal paints the mundanity of random moments around his household during the pandemic. The clear representation of subjects is direct until further investigation reveals an array of color and brushstrokes creating a new but familiar environment.

Michael Villarreal is a visual artist based in Lytton Springs, TX. In 2013, Villarreal received a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX and a Master of Fine Arts in 2017 at the University of Nebraska. He has exhibited in solo exhibitions at Art Palace Contemporary Art Gallery, Houston, TX, and Project Project, Omaha, NE. He’s been in numerous group exhibitions including The International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, NE, Undercurrent in Brooklyn, NY, DATELINE in Denver, CO, Barbara Davis Gallery in Houston, TX, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art in Omaha, NE, and LA Artcore: Brewery Annex Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. His work has been featured in several publications such as Huffington Post, New American Paintings, and Art Maze Magazine. In 2019, he was a recipient of the Nebraska Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship. Villarreal currently teaches at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX and is a member of ICOSA Collective in Austin, TX.

Artist’s website