Spellerberg Projects

Screep Show

Exhibition • September 9–October 8, 2022

Skully Gustafson, Tyler Hagebusch, Jimmy Frezza and Sam Foster all met at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in the early 2000’s. After becoming fast friends and sharing a common interest in the late 1970s No Wave art scene they disbanded as quickly as they met. Jimmy joined a punk band, later to tour the US and Europe and eventually went back to school for art. Sam got sober and started working in mental health, later enrolling in a TM-based MFA program. Tyler, who was lost for many years, ater to be found as a Mail Man and ceramic artist. And Skully prolifically painted the whole time. Later the four artists connected and planned this show. A reunion of friendship and art, after many years their common interest of the fast, loud and sick remain.

Screep (Scary + Creepy) is a word the four made up while getting stoned in a parking garage in downtown Milwaukee after breaking Trish’s pipe.

Skully Gustafson on Instagram
Tyler Hagebusch on Instagram
Jimmy Frezza on Instagram
Sam Foster on Instagram